You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.4. SALES Menu: Sales Order Processing > 1.4.16. Sales - Scheduler > Warehouse Scheduler - Menu Options > Edit Schedule - Special - Re-Allocate Serials (v2.8)
Edit Schedule - Special - Re-Allocate Serials (v2.8)

This option is only enabled in two situations:



For information about these options on the Invoicing Configuration screen, see "Edit - Program - Invoicing".

Use this option to reallocate serial numbers / batches for multiple picking slips. If serial numbers are already allocated, it clears the allocations and reallocates according to the selection on the Invoicing Configuration screen.

  1. Open the Warehouse Scheduler.

Refer to "Displaying the Warehouse Scheduler".

Micronet displays the Warehouse Scheduler - Picking Slips tab.

  1. Select the picking slips you want to reallocate serial numbers for by using the Shift key to select several slips in a row, or using the Ctrl key to select several slips that are not sequential.

Micronet highlights each selected picking slip.


Micronet displays a confirmation message.

  1. If you are certain you want to reallocate serial numbers / batches, select Yes.

Micronet reassigns the serial number / batch allocations for all the selected picking slips.



When you select Yes to the confirmation message, Micronet scans all the selected picking slips. If it finds any that are in a status of either Picked - All OK or Picked - Pick Quantity Mismatch, it displays a warning message and asks if you want to continue. If you select Yes to this warning message, Micronet will re-allocate serial numbers even though the picking slips are being / have been picked.



Technical Tip

Note that this option will not re-allocate any serial numbers that have been allocated manually, but it will still re-allocate any system-allocated serial numbers for the selected lines.